Incisions in breast augmentation serve to get access to the plane under the breast gland or pectoralis major chest wall muscle where the pocket to hold the implant will be created. Factors such as patient preference, choice of implant, choice of plane and size and shape of the non augmented breast and areola influence the […]
What is cosmetic surgery, what is reconstructive surgery, what is everything in between ?
All too often a difference is made between reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, most often to elevate the status of reconstructive surgery and lower the one of cosmetic surgery. I am a cosmetic surgeon and I do complex reconstrucive surgery. So I never could understand how someone could come up with something so artificial, neither based […]
Short Scar Breast Reduction in Trinidad
Short scar breast reduction in Trinidad provides a vertical scar and a vertical concept – the entire movement of the breast is in an upward direction. Projection of the breast is also increased and the shape becomes more conical, closer to a youthful ideal. Shorter scars mean improved appearance and shorter recovery.